Saturday, May 24, 2014

Along the way

Along the way

I never thought you'd ever go away girl
Although I never thought you'd stay
I always thought your crying was a play girl
I didn't care much anyway
My heart never broke and my tears didn't fall
In fact I didn't feel very sad at all
I kind of celebrated that I never had to crawl
Begging you'd not go along the way

I never said I'd promise you a life-time
I never was that sure
I guess you could have given me a life-line
I couldn't ask for any more
So know your bags are packed and you're walkin'' out the door
I guess that I don't have to stick around here anymore
I'll stick out my thumb, as that's what thumbs are for
And I might see you along the way

Before you go, pretty girl... Theres something I should say
Speakings pretty hard these days, but I'll say it anyway
Although you might not know it, you're the best I ever had
To have you close around these years,  it hasn't been bad
But breaking up should make you feel a little bit glad
So try to keep your smile along the way

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